The Selkirk Rex Cat Club

Available Selkirks
Available Adults and Kiitens
Here you can find Selkirk Rex looking for new forever homes.
The Club cannot be held responsible for the health of kittens or adults , it is up to the purchaser to ensure they are healthy.The information is published in good faith on behalf of its members and it does not constitute a recommendation nor give a guarantee of availability.
The club welcomes breeders who are scanning their cats but would advise potential kitten buyers that HCM free status cannot be definitely guaranteed. However, please be aware that even a scan is not conclusive proof of HCM but can only give an indication. If someone says their cats are scanned for HCM ( HCM free is an impossible declaration) ask to see the certificate of proof and of subsequent yearly scans and be aware it is only a snapshot on the day and no guarantee of any future health. As yet there is no known test or scan that can pinpoint how or where HCM comes from. Once there is conclusive proof it will be included in our registration document.
The kitten list is a free service only for our Club members with breeder listings, if you are not yet a member please download the application form. If you are a fully paid up member of the club, have applied for a breeder listing and would like to add adult or kitten details to this site, then please send details to kittenlist@selkirkrexcatclub.co.uk.
Please see below for adult rehomes and for kittens currently available from Club member breeders.
Adults Available
Sometimes adult cats become available. These have been someone's pet or a breeding cat but have become available for various reasons. These cats are looking for a forever home where they can be loved and give oodles of love back in return. Below you can see the adults currently available for rehome with a little about each of them. If you are interested in any adults available then please contact the relevant person below
Sorry no adults available at the present time but please keep checking back.​​
Kittens Available
Please be aware that with any breed of cat there are un-reputable breeders who hope to part you with your hard earned cash in exchange for an inferior cat. We would always advise if you are looking into any breed that you refer to the breed standards and registration policies of that breed to ensure you fully understand what you should be asking the seller. In the case of the Selkirk Rex we would advise the following questions:
Will the kitten be registered with a cat registering body like the GCCF or TICA? and come with papers including pedigree -(if not registered then they are not pedigrees)
Can I see the mother if not both parents?
Do the kittens come from PKD negative tested lines? All Selkirk Rex have to be PKD negative
Have the kittens been reared in the home?
Will the kitten come with its full kitten injections and vet checked?
If the answer to any of these questions is 'no' then walk away and find a breeder that complies with all these requirements.
This page will be updated with the Selkirk Rex Kittens that are currently available for homing from members of the Selkirk Rex Cat Club.
All kittens should come with:
Vaccination certificate
Registration form
Diet sheet
Wormed & flea treated
Kitten pack
NB: All kittens should be PKD negative if GCCF registered, as it is part of the GCCF Registration policy. This is written by the Selkirk Rex Cat Club to ensure all Selkirk Rex are as safe as possible from known health problems in cat breeds, where there are known conclusive tests that can be taken.
If someone says their cats are scanned for HCM ( HCM free can never be declared) ask to see the certificate of proof and proof of subsequent yearly scans and be aware it is only a snapshot on the day and no guarantee of any future health.
We do not give a guideline on any prices for kittens as breeders prices vary. You are advised to contact breeders individually.
The Club cannot be held responsible for the health of kittens or adults , it is up to the purchaser to ensure they are healthy.
If you home a kitten for breeding purposes then the breeder should supply proof that both parents are Polycystic Kidney Disease Negative, tested under a recognised scheme)
Please be aware that some breeders have made the decision to early neuter / spay their 'pet' kittens before they leave
Please be aware that if you are asking for mating services from a breeder or buying a kitten you ensure they are not on the suspended breeder list with the GCCF or you will not be able to register the kittens with GCCF
The information is published in good faith on behalf of its members and it does not constitute a recommendation nor give a guarantee of availability or quality of the kitten or that it is to the type standard for a Selkirk Rex.
Listings are kept updated and are on here for 8 weeks unless advised they are sold or still available.
Kitten listings are placed from 6 weeks of age
Sorry no kittens available at the present time but please keep checking back.