The Selkirk Rex Cat Club

To be listed on this page you need to be a paid up member of the Selkirk Rex Cat Club. ALL Kittens are required to be PKD Negative as per our Registration policy.
Please contact the breeders direct for more details of kittens available or checkout our kitten and adult rehome page.
Disclaimer. The Club cannot be held responsible for the health of kittens or adults , it is up to the purchaser to ensure they are healthy. The information is published in good faith on behalf of its members and it does not constitute a recommendation nor give a guarantee of availability.Please be aware that if you are asking for mating services from a breeder or buying a kitten you ensure they are not on the suspended breeder list or you will not be able to register the kittens.
Amazolou - Zoë L Amarilli
Birmingham, West Midlands
Tel- 0121 430 7137
Email - amazolou@gmail.com
Website - www.amazoloucats.com