The Selkirk Rex Cat Club

Titled Selkirks
We hope to provide as full a list as possible of titled Selkirks and any I sot on show reports, Facebook etc I will add, but we can't undertake to provide a complete list on our own so we do need your help. If you want your GCCF titled Selkirk on the list please email us at media@selkirkrexcatclub.co.uk with full details and we will happily add them. Please note that cats are not in any particular order - except for the Olympians - but are added as we are notified. Due to space etc photos will only be added for Olympian titled cats.
Olympian titled Selkirks
To date there have only been 4 Selkirks who have achieved the coveted, and extremely difficult to achieve, Olympian status. These are:-
1st Olympian titled Selkirk (1st Bronze, 1st Silver, 1st & only Gold, 1st female, 1st & only SH)
UK OG Imp Gr Pr Curlu Neve, owned by Nicky Ryan, bred by Pamela Anderson
2nd Olympian titled Selkirk (1st male & first LH)
UK OB Imp Gr Pr Crinkles Jack Frost, owned by Carol Walker & Pat Creaton, bred by Kelly Dove
3rd Olympian titled Selkirk (1st LH female)
UK OB Imp Gr Pr Acozni Fairyfloss, owned by Marina Higab, bred by Anne Minshall
4th Olympian titled Selkirk (1st Adult)
OS Imp Gr Ch Boucles Monsieur Incroyable, owned and bred by Sarah Walker

Photo by

Photo by Marina Higab

Photo by Sarah Walker
UK titled Selkirks
UK Grand Champion
UK Imp Gr Ch Wyrewood Conqueror (M)
UK Imp Gr Ch Lamblike Moonwalk (F)
UK OS Imp Gr Ch Boucles Monsieur Incroyable (M)
UK Grand Premier
UK OG Imp Gr Pr Curlu Neve (FN)
UK OB Imp Gr Pr Crinkles Jack Frost (MN)
UK OB Imp Gr Pr Acozni Fairyfloss (FN)
UK Imp Gr Pr Quizzicurl Clootie Dumpling (MN)
UK Imp Gr Pr Boucles Madame Pourquoi (FN)
Imperial titled Selkirks
Imperial Grand Champion
Imp Gr Ch Acozni Rebuss of Amazolou
Imp Gr Ch Crinkles Hope (F)
Imp Gr Ch Amazolou Mr Brightside (M)
Imp Gr Ch Boucles Pantherlily (F)
Imperial Grand Premier
Imp Gr Pr Noontide Fae Petalsprite (FN)
Imp Gr Pr Noontide Cookie Starstone (MN)
Imp Gr Pr Crinkles Forget Me Not (FN)
Imp Gr Pr Curlu Oscar (MN)
Imp Gr Pr Snoshu Stardreamer
Imp Gr Pr Snoshu Bombadil
Imp Gr Pr Boucles Boogie Wonderland (MN)
Imp Gr Pr Amazolou The New Schmoo (MN)
Imp Gr Pr Boucles Mr Meli-Melo (MN)
Imp Gr Pr Acozni Karma Chameleon
Imp Gr Pr Noontide Hearts On Fire (MN)
Imp Gr Pr Noontide Pumpkin Flutterwood (FN)
Imp Gr Pr Noontide Belle Cosette (FN)
Imp Gr Pr Boucles Crepe a L'Orange (MN)
Grand titled Selkirks
Grand Champion
Gr Ch Crinkles Forget Me Not (FN)
Gr Ch Acozni Ziggity Boom
Gr Ch Curlu Piper
Gr Ch Quizzicurl Clafoutis
Gr CH Curly Ecosse Brilliant Spark (Imp) (M)
Gr Ch Quizzicurl Born To Be Blue (M)
Gr Ch Snoshu Stardreamer
Gr Ch Snoshu Mists Ofavalon
Gr Ch Snoshu Starchaser
Gr Ch Dinozo Shillana (M)
Gr Ch Boucles Monsieur Neige (M)
Gr Ch Boucles Monsieur Tibault (M)
Gr Ch Amazoloue Cake Bythe Ocean (M)
Gr Ch Acozni Purrple Reign (F)
Grand Premier
Gr Pr Acozni Aldebaren (MN)
Gr Pr Noontide Jack Sunrunner (MN)
Gr Pr Curlu Nate (MN)
Gr Pr Curlu Coco (FN)
Gr Pr Quizzicurl Mille Feuille
Gr Pr Quizzicurl Licorice Whirl
Gr Pr Quizzicurl Sir Caradoc (MN)
Gr Pr Acozni Antbanderaz (MN)
Gr Pr Coraski Razzle Dazzle
Gr Pr Menara Jethro Aussie Dream (MN)
Gr Pr Amazolou Mr Brightside (MN)
Gr Pr Amazolou Mister Fantastic (MN)
Gr Pr Acozni Auntieleonie
Gr Pr Noontide Easterparade (MN)
GR Pr Noontide Berry Silvertree (MN)
Gr Pr Quizzicurl Neptune (MN)
Gr Pr Acozni Cassanova (MN)
Champion & Premier titled Selkirks
Ch Curlu Nate (M)
Ch. Quizzicurl Creme Brulee (M)
Ch. Quizzicurl Lotusflower (F)
Ch Snoshu Rhapsodyinblue
Ch Amazolou Scooter Boy (M)
Ch Raptinfluff Guinevere (F)
Ch Boucles Monsieur Farfelu (M)
Ch Acozni Pelonazo Purrfect
Ch Acozni Champagne Rose Mai (F)
Ch Quizzicurl Candlesnuff (M)
Ch Quizzicurl Neptune (M)
Ch Siham Des Rex D'Alex (F)
Ch Boucles Custard Cream (M)
Pr Acozni Bumble Ardy (MN)
Pr Crinkles Angel (FN)
Pr Amazolou Skaramoosh (MN)
Pr Boucles Monsieur Chatouille (MN)
Pr Acozni Ziggity Boom (MN)
Pr Noontide Bramble Greyfur (MN)
Pr Boucles Monsieur Neige (MN)
Pr & Ch Boucles Custard Cream (M)
Olympian titled Selkirk Pedigree Pets
Sup UK OG IGMC Chilli
OG IGMC Sr Joshua Purrkins
UK, OS IGMC Billy Boo

Photo by Carol Walker
Photo by Julie Harling
Photo by Julie Harling
Photo by Davy Herd

Photo by Carol Walker
Photo by Corinne Bromley

Supreme titled Selkirk Pedigree Pets
Sup UK OG IGMC Chilli
Sup IGMC Slinky Malinki
Sup K GMC Oscar
UK titled Selkirk Pedigree Pets
UK Grand Master Cat
UK, OS IGMC Billy Boo
Sup UK OG IGMC Chilli
Imperial Master Cat titled Selkirk Pedigree Pets
Imperial Grand Master Cat
IGMC Oliver
IGMC Remus
IGMC Slinky Malinki
Grand Master Cat titled Selkirk Pedigree Pets
Grand Master Cat
GMC George Bernard Paw
GMC Digger
GMC Tizer
GMC Purrdi Pinkpaw
GMC Colin
GMC Oscar
GMC Colin
Master Cat titled Selkirk Pedigree Pets
MC Boris
MC Bibbity Bobbity Boo